Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden


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Drugi nazivi: divja slavulja , drobni čičak , dubačac , gladišnik , kilavec , mali čičak

Opis biljke: iz trajnog podanka izraste uspravna dlakava stabljika koja je gotovo okrugla. Listovi su perasti, a listići jajolikog do duguljasto lancetastog oblika. Listovi su na donjoj strani, gusto i grubo dlakavi do pustenasto sivi i na rubu često zavinuti. Grozdasti cvat ima oblik šibe, čaška je grubo dlakava, cvjetovi su mali i žute boje, a mali plodovi imaju kukaste čekinje zbog čega se i turica često zove mali čičak.

Vrijeme cvatnje: lipanj do rujna.

Stanište;turica se pojavljuje u čitavoj Evropi, a nalazi se uz rubove putova, po poljskim međama, uz rubove šuma i u živicama.

Ljekoviti dio biljke: sabiru se listovi (Folia Agrimoiuae) ili čitava biljka (Herba Agrimoniae). Osušeni listovi upotrebljavaju se za čaj usitnjeni ili zdrobljeni u sitan prah.

Ljekovito djelovanje;biljka je u službenoj upotrebi i odlična je za rane. Nadalje se ubraja u najbolje ljekovite biljke za bubrege, jetru i slezenu i kod žučnih kamenaca, žutice i naklonosti k taloženju mokraćne kiseline u tijelu. Ta ljekovita djelovanja svode se na djelotvorne tvari i to uglavnom tanin, na jednu još ne pobliže poznatu gorku tvar i na eterično ulje.


Turica - Agrimonia Eupatoria L.

Other names: wild nightingale, small thistle, dubačac, gladišnik, kilavec, small Velcro
Description of the plant: from the permanent underground stem grows upright hairy stem that is almost round. The leaves are plumose, and leaves ovate to oblong shape lancetastog. The leaves are on the bottom, with thick and coarse hairy to tomentose gray and often at the edge of the brim. Cluster structure inflorescence takes the form of plagues, cup roughly hairy, flowers are small and yellow and the small fruits have hooked bristles which is why it is often called turica small Velcro.
Flowering time: June to September.
Habitat; turica appears throughout Europe, and is located along the edges of roads, according to the Polish borders, along forest edges and in hedgerows.
The medicinal part of the plant: gather the leaves (Folia Agrimoiuae) or whole plant (Herba Agrimoniae). The dried leaves are used for tea or chopped zdrob¬ljeni into fine powder.
Curative effect; the plant is in official use and is great for wounds. Furthermore, one of the best herbs for the kidneys, liver and spleen with gallstones, jaundice and affection to the deposition of uric acid in the body. The healing effects are reduced to the active ingredient, mostly tannin, one not yet known in detail bitter substance and essential oil.