Električni svemir i upotreba struje u ... :)

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden
Nakon odgledanih par youtube filmova o 'Električnom univerzumu' npr. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akM9KNEv_JE , i skakanja po 'umu' naleteh na ovaj link: http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2000/03/30/stories/08300009.htm u kome piše ovo:

"Electricity to induce plant growth

THIN GLASS slabs (12x15 cm) were glued together and provisions were made for electrical connections. Platinum wires were made to run beneath the tank between the glass slabs. The circuit was completed by adding water to the tank.

It is a new method of pretreatment of legume seeds. The legumes such as green gram and pea seeds were selected for the experiment due to its fast growth and also its economic value. About 100 seeds were presoaked in water for 24 hours to soften the cells. They were then placed in the tank containing water. The cathode and anode were then connected. 240V alternate current was converted to 27V direct current and the final treatment was 10m Amp current for 1 hour.

The seeds were then removed and tested for germination in soil. A control of non-treated seeds was placed simultaneously. The results found were interesting. Electrically treated seeds showed 100 per cent germination where as in control 95 per cent was observed. Further the amount of growth was 3 times as much as the control was. When tested for disease resistance, the treated seeds showed higher resistance. In treated seeds maximum root (5 cm) and shoot length (9 cm) was observed than in control room (2 cm) and shoot (2 cm) after 10 days of germination.


P.Shanmughavel & K. Francis

Department of Botany

Bharathiar University

Coimbatore 641 046 "

Kome je poznat ovaj deo '24 sata u vodi'?

Evo i ovde zanimljivih istrazivanja:

"From 1918 to 1921 some 500 British farmers developed a shared system to treat their grain in an electrified solution of nutrients. The grain was dried before sowing. The farmers cultivated about 2,000 acres with the seed. The results were reported in Scientific American (15 February 1919):

"In the first place, there is a notable increase in the yield of grain from electrified seed... the yield of the electrified seed exceeds that of the unelectrified by from 4 to 16 bushels... The average... is between 25 and 30 % of increase... The increase in weight has ranged from 1 pound to as much as 4 pounds per bushel... Besides the increase in the bulk of the yield and the increase in the weight per bushel, there is an increase in the straw... whereas the bulk of the unelectrified seeds had thrown up only 2 straws per seed, the electrified had thrown up 5.... The straw growing from the electrified seed is longer... The stoutness and the strength of the straw is increased... the crop is less likely to be laid by storms... Corn growing from seed thus treated is less susceptible to the attacks of fungus diseases and wireworm. "

"Other experimenters have found that the high-frequency currents generated by a Tesla coil will protect plants from temperatures as low as 10o F, which destroyed unprotected plants. (28)

In 1920, Thomas Curtis used a large, oil-immersed Tesla coil (10 KV/500 W) to supply high-tension current over a 200 sq ft plot planted with radishes and lettuce. The electrified crops were at least 50% larger than the normal crops."
