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Drugi naiivi: bijeli glog, bijela drača, bijeli trn, crveni glog, gloginja, glogovac.

Opis biljke: glog je većinom srednje veličine. Na pogodnim staništima uspijeva i kao čvorasto, razgranjeno drvo visine i do 5 metara. Drvo gloga je tvrdo i žilavo. Kora je glatka, sivo-pepeljaste boje s granama na kojima je raspoređeno trnje dužine do 1 1/2 cm. Listovi su trokrpasti i peterokrpasti, s donje strane su svijetlo plavkasto-zeleni, a s gomje strane tamnozeleni i sjajni. Nalikuju listovima hrasta, samo što su znatno manji. Bijeli cvjetovi su skup-Ijeni u bogate kitice s dugim i kraćim peteljkama. Snažno mirišu na med. Plodovi su crvene boje i beru se kad sazriju, u kasno Ijeto.

Stanište: glog se često nalazi na rubovima niskih bjelogoričnih i crnogoričnih šuma, a veoma često raste u šikarama te uz ograde i živice.

Ljekoviti dijelovi biljke: za lijek se skupljaju cvjetovi sa cvjetnim stapkama, listovi i plodovi bez peteljke. Cvjetovi i listovi sakupljaju se u proljeće. Cvjetovi i cvjetni vršci sabiru se samo s grmova koji su u punom početnom cvatu. Suše se u tankom sloju pri čemu je potrebno paziti da ne promijene boju. Listovi se beru nakon cvatnje. Plodovi se beru nakon dozrijevanja; suše se najprije u hladu, da uvenu, a nakon toga dosuše se na toploj peći.

Ljekovito djelovanje: drži se da je glog jedna od najvrednijih i najdjelotvomijih Ijekovitih biljaka za srce. Glog jača i regulira rad srca. Osim toga, glog je izvanredan regulator krvnog tlaka, pri čemu ne samo da snizuje povišeni krvni tlak, nego povisuje preniski krvni tlak u oslabljenog srčanog mišića. Dobar je u liječenju oštećenog srčanog mišića u starosti, kod upale srčanog mišića, u liječenju zakrečenja krvnih žila i angine pectoris. Glog općenito djeluje na smirenje živčanog sistema.

ENG version

HAWTHORN - Crataegus

Other name: white hawthorn, white thorn, white thorn, red haw, haw, glogovac.

Description of the plant: Hawthorn is mostly medium in size. In favorable habitats succeeds as nodules, branched tree heights up to 5 meters. Hawthorn tree is hard and tough. The bark is smooth, gray-ashen with branches on which deployed thorns lengths up to 1 1/2 inches. The leaves are trokrpasti and peterokrpasti, the underside of the bright bluish-green, and the upper side dark green and glossy. Resemble oak leaves, just as significantly lower. White flowers are a set-Ijen in rich bouquets with long and short stalks. The strong smell of honey. The fruits are red and are picked when ripe in late summer.

Habitat: Hawthorn is often found at the edges of low deciduous and coniferous forests, and often grows in thickets and along fences and hedges.

Medicinal parts of plants: drug gather flowers from flower stems, leaves and fruits are stemless. The flowers and leaves are collected in the spring. The flowers and flower tips are collected only with shrubs that are in full bloom home. Droughts in a thin layer where it is necessary to be careful not to change the color. The leaves are harvested after flowering. The fruits are harvested after ripening; first dried in the shade, to wither, and then dried up to a warm oven.

Pharmaceutical action: holding that the hawthorn one of the most valuable and najdjelotvomijih medicinal herbs for the heart. Hawthorn strengthens and regulates heartbeat. Moreover, hawthorn is outstanding blood pressure regulator, whereby not only lowers elevated blood pressure, but it also increases blood pressure too low to weakened heart muscle. He's good in the treatment of damaged heart muscle in old age, with inflammation of the heart muscle, in the treatment of obstructive vascular and angina pectoris. Hawthorn generally acts on the nervous system sedative.