Out Of Body

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden


Aktivan Član
Mozda bih trebao malo da pojasnim taj koncept Fokusa, jer vidim da nista nisam objasnio u prethodnom postu. Zacetnik te ideje je Robert Monroe Ali meni se licno svideo opis Franka jer kada sam citao njegovo objasnjenje imao sam osecaj da citam svoje misli. Bas, da sam hteo nikada nebih tako dobro napisao kao on. Ideja se slaze sa mojim iskustvima I uopste pogledom na zivot. Pokusacu sa svojim vidjenjem.

Primaran focus je onaj na fizicku realnost. Glavni atributi su ljudskih pet cula (vid, sluh, miris, ukus I dodir). Pored toga, u svakodnevom zivotu, koriste se memorija (pamcenje), osecanja, razmisljanje, volja, strasti, pozude, ideje, imaginacija, intuicija…Kada pomesamo sve to dobijamo kompleksan sistem koji cini nas u prvom fokusu, odnosno fizickoj realnosti. I sam taj focus se konstantno menja. Kada smo odmorni I energicni imamo jedan focus, kada smo umorni drugi, kada imamo mrznju, zavist, ljubav, glad, kada nam je toplo ili hladno… Sve su to varijacije na prvi focus. Recimo kao da gledamo kroz staklo koje menja boje I debljinu. Postoji jako puno parametara koji su pomesani I na kraju prolaze kroz filter na koji usmerava nasa paznja. Zamislite sve te kombinacije I sva ta iskustva koja se mogu doziveti. Filter je nas sistem verovanja. On je licni, ali mislim da postoje I neka bazicna verovanja. Pod bazicnim bih svrstao ona koja daju nash, ovozemaljski, pogled na f1. To je recimo moje verovanje da cu morati da jedem I pijem da bih preziveo, ako se pustim pascu na zemlju zbog gravitacije, ako bacim nesto na zid odbice se jer je zid cvrst I neprobojan… Dakle, skup svih ubedjenja, koja postoje kao opste prihvacena. Kada na to dodam I moja licna, kao sto su: ovo je lepo, ono je gadno, sada cu biti srecan, prija mi ovo, sve to sto cini moj karakter, dobijam jednu prizmu koja predstavlja moj licni filter kroz koji prolaze razne stimulacije. Kada se uzme sve to u obzir dobijam hiljade I hiljade ishoda za koje bi trebalo jako puno zivota da se iskusi , a ne samo ovaj jedan. Ali, svejedno, to je samo povrsina. Postoje I one dublje implikacije koje uticu na f1. A I one su takodje na raspolagaju, samo je potrebno promeniti sistem verovanja I dozvoliti da oni faktori koji su prisutni ali podsvesni izadju na povrsinu. Sustina je u tome da mi, zapravo, postojimo na svim nivoima, a menja se nas focus paznje. Trenutno smo u fokusu 1, fizickom. I ostali nivoi su u nama. Nema prelaza iz tela u telo, samo promena fokusa. Ako promenimo focus sa pet cula na osecenja (ili deo iz opusa drugog fokusa) dobicemo fokus2. Ali pod tim nepodrazumevam sedeti u fotelji I osecati, vec u potpunosti prisustvovati realnosti fokusa2. On je sastavljen od naseg licnog sklopa verovanja. To je nas licni um. Tu se kriju nasi unutrasnji procesi, misli, ideje, masta, to je individualni astral. Drugom recju podsvest. Tu se odvijaju snovi, astralne projekcije (licne), odatle poticu osecanja, ideje, masta… Jedan mnogo kompleksan system nase svesti (I podsvesti). Da neduzim puno, dolazimo do f3. To je izlaz iz naseg licnog sveta I “mesto” gde se nalaze objektivni parametri koji kreiraju jedan raznovrstan svet u kom mozemo da ucestvujemo I komuniciramo sa drugim bicima, drugim svetovima gde ne vaze nasa “pravila”. Osnovna sredstva funkcionisanja su misli I volja odnosno namera, kao I osecanja. To je jedan “unutrasnji” svet, koji je, zapravo, siri od ovog naseg “spoljasnjeg”. Tu se stvari desavaju na mnogo cistijem nivou I nema nacina da se nesto sakrije, slaze ili izmanipulise. Komunikacija je bazirana na misaonim konceptima, a samo bice odaje svoje stanje “svesti” na neki nacin “emitovanja energije”. Mislim da je to toliko kompleksan svet da ne postoji nacin da se iskusi bilo sta vise od jedne male mrvice te celine (ako je to Celina uopste, pre bi se reklo beskraj). Ako bi se “zumiralo” jos “dublje” dosli bi do f4, odnosno izvora iz koga proisticu prva tri fokusa. To je stanje mentalnih koncepata I vitalnih izvora, bez vremena I prostora, mesto svega sto se dalje preformulise kroz ostale f. Dakle, suma svega ako se gleda iz f1, a izvor ako gledamo iz f4. Na taj nacin imamo izvor ili izvore iz kojih proisticu mentalne koncepcije koje se dalje transformisu I kombinuju u razne oblike pojava I oblika postojanja (kroz f3, f2 I f1), da bi na kraju dobili sve te svetove, andjele, djavole, organska I neorganska bica, osecanja, misli, sunce, mecec, kamen, biljku, zivotinju ili coveka...

Mislim da se nalazimo tu gde se nalazimo zato sto to I zelimo. Fokus je tamo gde je usmerena nasa zelja da on bude. Mozda povrsinski to nedeluje tako ali u nekom kompletnijem smislu, dubljem, tu smo jer to I hocemo. Stvoren je jedan kompletan sistem ubedjenja I dovoljno je da se on promeni da bi se promenio I focus. Nije cilj “prosvetljenje” vec PUT do “prosvetljenja”, iskustva stecena na tom putu. Sve ono sto vidimo da se desava oko nas I u nama (ratovi, beda, bolesti, manipulacija…) sto bismo zeleli da promenimo zapravo su tu jer su oni bitni sastojci nasih zivota koji nebi bio ni priblizno ovakav da toga nema. Za svaku losu stvar postoji I jako pozitivna stvar koja jedino tako moze doci do izrazaja. Ali polako menjamo focus, ” The piper's calling you to join him”…

Nisam hteo da filozofiram ali morao sam da zaokruzim, “makar crk’o”!


Aktivan Član
Prika moj... previše pričaš...zakomplicira si tako jednostavnu stvar kao što je sest, leć, zatvorit oći i ispraznit misli. Sad mogu i ja reć da su 4 ravni, za koja trebaš utrenirat 4 tijela da bi se kretala kroz 7 pojaseva.

Svejedno. Nisan nikad razmišlja tako o svojin skromnim iskustvima. Mislin tako komplicirano. Vježba, a i kasnije sustav za kretanje u projekciju su bili jednostavni. U biti. Prvo su išle vježbe vizuializacije, ka vježbu koncetracije. A uz to i meditacija. Bilo je zabavno, a i korisno...poslin kod projekcije.

Za olakšat i usmjerit projekciju, krug bi bija konstruiran i utemeljen. Sve radnje za fokusiranje projekcije bi se izvršile u krugu. Nakon toga zauzimanje odgovarajučeg položaja (obično neki ugodan položaj, sjedeča je poza najmočnija ali je treba uvježbat) i meditacija. Ako se meditacija izvodi kako treba, definitivno će se u nekom momentu dogodit to da "nema tijela", tj. njegovih smetnji. A onda je dovoljno pomisliti da ideš u vis...i ideš; ideš tamo di si se, kako bi to dziba lipo reka, fokusira.
Problem je kod meditacije šta je jako lako zaspat, al je ipak lakše kontrolirat nego ako npr. ležeš u krevet i sad kreneš vježbat projekciju. U početku, za olakšat ulazak u stanje meditacije, praktično je koristit mantra-meditaciju. Mantranje lakše fokusira.

Tako san ja to radija dok san to radija. I nisan ima nekih problema, osin problema "otvaranja astralnih očiju".
Al sve je lakše radit u društvu :icon_wink:

Sretno dziba, nek te .... vodi i čuva na tvom Putu.


Aktivan Član
Ma znam... Nije mi bio cilj da "pricam previse" ali sta drugo mozemo preko foruma nego da "pricamo"?
Ali, ipak, nebih se slozio da je tako jednostavno. Da jeste mnogo vise nas bi imalo znanja o tome. Treba promeniti citav sastav verovanja. Siguran sam da razumes o cemu govorim.
Posto je jasno da se interesujes za celu koncepciju "toplo" ti preporucujem da istrazis "dublje" Roberta Monroea. Mnogo je zanimljiv i delotvoran njegov (njihov, posto je ceo tim ljudi ukljucen) gateway program. Mogu, mozda, cak i ja da pomognem, odnosno da nekako dostavim, posto posedujem isti. Mada nije neki problem nabaviti i na poznate nacine...
Peace, love and understanding...


Aktivan Član
dziba je napisao(la):
Ma znam... Nije mi bio cilj da "pricam previse" ali sta drugo mozemo preko foruma nego da "pricamo"?
Ali, ipak, nebih se slozio da je tako jednostavno. Da jeste mnogo vise nas bi imalo znanja o tome. Treba promeniti citav sastav verovanja. Siguran sam da razumes o cemu govorim.

Da znam. Na to sam zaboravija. Ima smisla; ljudima je najteže promjenit sustav vjerovanja. Bravo, na tu "sitnicu" san zaboravija. Ali i dalje tvrdim da za uvježbat se u mentalnoj projekciji nije nikakav problem. Brzo to ide. Naravno, koristeći određene tehnike, radnje itd. koje sve to mogu ubrzat.

Mislim da svi to možemo. Samo, ljudi neznaju. Neko im treba reć. Najbolje neko ko je to "dozna".

Svaka čast tim "hi-tech" metodama. Zanimljia koncepcija za "zakrivljavanje" stvarnosti.
Ja osobno više volin tradicionalniji pristup za olakšavanje i pospješivanje kvalitetnije "umreženosti".
Gljivarci su savršeni. Aya je ultimativna kraljica,ali preskupa za dobit kvalitet. Oboje te trenutno "prikopčaju" na "mrežu". Svako od ova 2 operativna sustava savršeno je na svoj način. Al treba naučit radit u operativnom sustavu. Imaju, osobito gljivarci, previše "zabavne multimedije" pa se lako izgubit u svin tin šarenim konekcijama.

I nebi da me sad neko krivo svati; da su bilo koji sakramenti uvjet, pa čak i vježba za postizavanje postignuća. Za postizavanje treba obratit pažnju na afterglow. I na vježbe; rađene čiste svijesti. Jer energetski naboj ostaje jakoooo dugo. Ovisno o "količini svjesnosti".

Eto, to je moj način. Ali, svejedno, cilj svih vježbi, pa ma kakve bile, je da se jednog dana, bez ikakvih pomagala uključimo sve centre i zablistamo punim sjajem jedne Zvijezde. Tako da su ipak najbolja pomagala koja uopče nemaju veze sa ovom našom ravni. Jednostavno nisu iz naše stvarnosti :icon_wink:


Aktivan Član
Astral Projection (AP’) is an automatic reflex, built in to your body and mind. To trigger
it, while fully conscious, there are three major requirements.
1. The ability to relax your body 100% and stay awake.
2. You have to be able to shift your consciousness point outside
of your body.
3. You need enough mental and psychic energy to maintain control
over the projection and not slip into the dream state. Together, these will trigger the
automatic projection reflex for a full powered AP’. There are a few minor conditions
but these can be varied to suit your experience and surroundings.
Relaxation: You must ‘master’ a full body relaxation exercise. If you know one already
it can be adapted to suit. Sit in a ‘chair’ and relax. Starting with the feet, tense them and
relax them. Continue this with calves, thighs, hips, stomach, chest, arms, neck and face.
Go over this a few times until you feel completely relaxed. Breathe deeply and slowly
throughout this and try to become ‘aware’ of the breath entering and leaving your body.
Mental hands: Imagine you have a pair of ‘mental hands’. Stroke yourself with these
‘hands’ in an upward motion from your feet and up your legs, over and over again. Try
and ‘feel’ them relaxing and soothing you. Continue this up through the center of your
torso, paying particular attention to the chakras. The mental hands technique will also
get you used to shifting your point of consciousness to different parts of your body. Try
and put as much of yourself as you can into these mental hands.
Energy raising: As you pull upwards through your legs with your mental hands,
imagine you are gripping the energy that flows there and pull it up through you. This is
the natural path of the psychic/life energy that flows through you. With practice you will
actually ‘feel’ this energy tingling and surging through you. It will literally ‘charge’ you
up like a battery.
Chakras: These are situated at: 1. The base of the spine (between the anus and the
genitals) 2. The spleen (slightly below the belly button) 3. The solar plexus (1 hand-span
above the belly button) 4. The heart (center of the chest) 5. The throat. 6. Forehead. 7.
Crown (full top of your head). They are best imagined as roughly the size of your hand.

Chakra stimulation: Chakras are centers for the transformation of energy. Each chakra
transforms the raw life energy of the planet into a different type. As you pull this energy
up through you with your mental hands, stop at each chakra and imagine your mental
hands opening it. Pull the energy up through it to the next one and so on. Repeat this a
few times, you may not feel anything at first but with practice you will feel a fluttering or
pulsing under your skin.
Stop Check: Keep checking your muscles for any tensioning throughout these exercises
and re-relax as needed. A common problem is the automatic tensing of muscles as you
pull energy up through you. Remember, this is all mental; the body must stay dormant
and relaxed throughout this.
Point shift: To shift your point of consciousness, imagine you are a foot or two out in
front of yourself. NOT a figure in front of you but YOU are in front of your physical
body. Keep in mind you physical body being behind you. This is tricky but you will get
used to it quickly. Don’t tense or strain any muscles during this, your body will try to
obey you ‘physically’, don’t let it.
Mental state: Your surface mind will be fully occupied by these exercises so no mental
exercise is needed up to this point. When you feel Breath awareness: ‘Feel’ your breath
coming in and ‘feel’ it going out. With the inhale, ‘pull’ energy up from the base chakra
to your heart chakra with your mental hands. Note: If you feel any vibration start in your
body at this point, and don’t want to project yet, move your head slightly, and gently
sway your body into normal alertness.
These exercises should be carried out daily. Some of them can be done anywhere and
anytime you have a few minutes to spare. You will, in time, condition your body to
respond quickly and easily. With practice you will be able to attain a state of ‘total
relaxation’ in just a few minutes. This training will reduce the amount of effort needed,
and the fatigue produced, when you attempt a fully conscious AP.

Kurblaj Kan

Aktivan Član
Imam ja jedan "priručnik" za astralnu projekciju na hrvatskome je i meni se čini kao dosta dobar i tako dosta je praktičan ja sam malo vježbao po tome ali mi ne ide baš osobito i zbog moje ljenosti najviše ali uglavnom ima četrdeset i nešt strana pa neznam šta daradim s njime htio bi ga stavit ovdje ali previše mi to za u postove stavljati a nije u .pdf-u nego imam u obliku web stranice pa šta daradim mogu ak vam valja u notepad kopirat i stavit na net za download


Vutra Veteran
to i napravi....skupi sav text u word ili notepad pa okaci link za skidat pa ko voli nek izvoli :)))


Aktivan Član
Liber Crash Course:
To begin any of the exercises, rites or methods instructed in this book, I will start with the most
important (and perhaps most tedious) part: Dreaming (and remembering). To be able to work on
dreaming, you first must begin to remember dreaming, a problem the majority of society and
domestication face. Everyone dreams, several times each time they fall into the spell of sleep. The
problem is remembering. How many dreams do you remember every morning when you awaken from
your coma like slumber? The answer of course will vary. However chances are, you do not remember
even half (if any) of the dreams you have each time you fall asleep. This is the first step to exploring the
world of dreams and the first gate you must pass to realize the difference between dreaming and waking,
fantasy and reality.
Whether you remember your dreams or not. This next step is very necessary if you wish any results
from this book's instructions. Results can be achieved by ignoring this step but your results will be 'halfass'
and you will be settling for second best. Not a good way to work when focusing on your self.
Book Of Dreaming:
-This method is widely used, referred to as a dream book, dream journal, dream diary, etc. etc. - It is
quite simple at takes little effort other than a few moments of your time after waking. To begin, find
something to write in, anything will suffice from some scratch paper to an exquisite blank paged book
for you to fill the pages of. Something that you can keep organized and well preserved is the most
important factor.
Use this book and keep care of it.
Starting from the day you make this book, before falling asleep, write down the information of your
conditions you are going to sleep in. Start with the date and time and basic information. You can keep
this simple or make it as complex and detailed as you wish going as far as to record the phases of the
moon, planetary positions, your diet and mind frame, how much sleep you had the night before, where
you are sleeping, who you are sleeping with, etc. -Important thing is to record what you feel is important
and influential of your dreams/sleep. When you wake up, take a few moments to remain motionless, do
not move from the position you wake up in and do not begin thinking about your day that is ahead of
you. Simply let your thoughts focus on your dreams and see what you can remember, after taking a brief
amount of time for this, write down what you have been able to recall in your book concerning your
dreams. If you remember only for example, "Being in a white room" write this down and describe all (if
any) emotions you recall having in the dream, feelings to the atmosphere, etc. Describe the scenario of
your dream as detailed as possible. If you do not remember any dreams what so ever. Write this down
(after you have tried at least for 5 full minutes to remember your dreams!). However, it is best to avoid
writing something like "I don't remember shit"!!! Instead if you recall nothing, if anything, write down
the state of mind you wake up in, and the state of mind you fell asleep in and take note of your degree of
sleep (i.e. "Tonight I slept very deeply, not even a 3rd world war could have woken me."). If you have
no recollection of your dreams what so ever, be persistent. If you are doing this correctly and maintain
effort, within a maximum of approximately a week and a half, you will begin to have success. Also, if
you follow the procedures and methods I am going to recommend further in these writings on top of
your book of dreaming, you will find your time to reach success in remembering your dreams to be
greatly reduced.
The main key for success in dream recall through the method of a Book of Dreaming is persistence.
Even after you are able to recall our dreams without effort, it is important you do not stop or slack off on
recording your dreams every day within our book. If something prohibits you from writing in your book
in the morning when you wake, do not stop, simply take the first opportunity you have to write even a
brief summary of your dreams, even if this is the next evening after, it is important to take this action.
This is not only important for maintaining the ability to recall your dreams but it is also extremely
important to have success within the rituals, methods, and exercises that I will presenting in these
Mind Control
Now that you know how to start remembering what happens in your mind, it is time to take the first
step, which exists on a seemingly endless, winding, staircase to begin gaining control over the actions of
your own mind. There is a conditioning the majority of people today have been subjected to known as
"Domestication" - in many ways this seems like a good thing and in many ways it is, physically.
However in many ways Mentally and Spiritually, it has destroyed many qualities once possessed by
(Wo)Man. What I am talking about, I have seen discussed and explained by a variety of other authors.
The most suitable and tangible explanation I have come across is the words of Peter Carroll in his book
"Liber Null & the Psychonaut" where he has a chapter called the Psychic Censor. He refers to this
domestication (Wo)Man has been victim of as a "Psychic Censor" in our minds. If you have read any
books on Magick, whether it book on Wicca to Goetic Demonology most likely you have heard authors
and Magickians talk of how much more 'open' and sensitive children are to energy and seeing things
paranormal that most adults don't. Based on studies this can essentially be considered fact. Children
possess something we don't. Unfortunately they, like us lose this 'something' as they age and become
more and more subjected to the teachings, ways and brainwashing of society. They learn what they are
taught and the ones who excel, learn to question what they are taught. The mind is much more powerful
than credit is given, it can be conditioned to allow you to see things that are not there and allow you to
be blind to things right in front of your face. This part of the mind that Subconsciously controls the
Conscious is what is censoring how you perceive things and what you perceive. A concrete and good
example of this is dreams. Everyone dreams, this is fact backed with scientific evidence. However in
normal society what is a dream?? It is for majority, discarded as babbling of your mind that mean and
represent nonsense. Because of this collective mentality the majority of society possesses, many of us
have been conditioned to not even remember our dreams. We have been programmed to discard them as
unimportant fantasies to such a subconscious level that we go to the extent of not even acknowledging
their existence! Though it has taken years of aging for us to develop this wall within our own mind, the
wall can be broken with the correct forces of one's own desire and willpower. This is a first step of the
monotonous staircase within your mind that reaches you to self-control over your own mind!

CEO TEKST MOZETE VIDETI OVDE: http://www.beyondweird.com/Astral-Workings/Liber_Luna_Sanguinus.html


Aktivan Član
Importance of a Dream:
There is much to be covered on this subject, however I will save much of this for later on first I feel it is
necessary to briefly explain the possibilities of the meaning of a dream. Make the conclusions you wish,
however here are some of the most reasonable paths I am aware of. I am not saying all or any of these
are correct, what I believe should have no relevance to your experiments or beliefs. For now, just
consider these examples as food for thought. I am only listing a brief amount of the infinite theories but
with the tools of skepticism, experience, knowledge and wisdom, I have attempted to narrow things
down to point that can be summarized.
What does a dream mean? I have not the answer to this question, only theories which I have chosen that
I am assuming would be at least somewhat agreeable with many of the people who would read this
book. An Occultic to an Atheistic viewpoint is being considered. A dream can be many things; some
could consider it a message from the gods, other a message from your mind. Some could go along with
the idea that it means nothing at all and s utter nonsense the mind spits forth within one's slumber.
Whatever your view may be, I will attempt to explain why these readings should still be of interest.
Starting with the most skeptical and close-minded view I can think of which is to say that dreams mean
nothing and are only nonsense. If this is the case and/or your view, it should be considered, that your
dreams still can at least allow you to do anything and everything. Consider this all fantasy if you wish
however, if the interest of making your life more exciting through making your dreams a bit more vivid
and at the least, using them for a playground to act out whatever you wish, I would suggest you read on
and experiment with the given procedures. Not only will you accomplish the art of being able to control
your dreams, you might even start to see things much differently. - Now, those who see dreams on a
much more spiritual level, I feel there is little need to explain the importance of a dream, however it is
obviously of something different than self amusement. The instructions and methods I will be presenting
will open the gates of the astral and to your subconscious. Those of you interested in the psychological
aspects of dreaming, well, I think once you read on and listen to the explanations of the rituals presented
you will see much more than metaphysics and magick. The main point is, for those of you that feel
dreaming is only a waste of time,
then there is not much room for convincing however you should realizing that you are denying aspects
of your own mind and thoughts with this way of belief. If you realize this and still wish to ignore what
your dreams do or possibly mean and have power over, that is your will and as long as your doors are
closed, there is no means of self-improvement. Dreams hold the key to the gate of many powers, the
simplest of these powers and most tangible would be to know your own mind!
Dream Stages:
Science has found ways to analyze, dissect and print the very blue prints of dreaming. The Scientific and
Metaphysical extremities concerning views and beliefs on dreaming have their extremes all right,
however the parallels that are present are most fascinating. Basically the sleeper goes into dreams once
they reach R.E.M. (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. Several phases of R.E.M. sleep occur in one night's
slumber, the most intense being approximately an hour before waking time and this is when you
experience the dreams that you most commonly recall. We will later go more into R.E.M. sleep in
greater detail but for now I will be covering a summarized outline of other phases of sleep that are of
interest to the dreamer.
The first state of sleep and dreaming is called the HYPNAGOGIC STATE, which is pertaining to the
period of drowsiness between wakefulness and sleep. This is when you are half way across the veil of
sleep in scientific terms and halfway across the veil of the abyss in occultic terms. It is a very interesting
state to experience and observe and I have yet to meet any person that has not semi-consciously
experienced this state. Here is a scenario I think the majority of people have experienced. You are
falling asleep as soon as you leave your consciousness behind, you are jolted awake by the sensation of
falling and find yourself lying exactly where you fell asleep. This is one of the many forms of a
Hypnangogic hallucination. These hallucinations are common in this state of pre-sleep and vary from
the falling sensation to auditory hallucinations, commonly of haring your name called out to visual
hallucinations, sometimes faces, sometimes geometric shapes, sometimes the startling vision of seeing a
figure standing over you. A similar type of sensation(s) also occurs when you are waking up, this is
referred to as the HYPNOPOMPIC STATE, where the sleeper/dreamer is just crossing the veil into
wakefulness. The result of this state are a bit different, more sluggish however there are exceptions, such
as one would wake up for a dream or more likely a nightmare and start screaming until they have the
few seconds to realize that it was "all just a dream” Another common example of the Hypnopompic state
would be for those who wake to an alarm clock. Usually in the morning hours just before waking you
are in the middle of a dream, it is common to have a dream and hear the alarm clock in your dram and
sluggishly awaken to realize it has been going off in your bedroom for the last 5 minutes! These two
states of in-between sleep and wakefulness are very interesting when taking an examination through a
scientific outlook as well as a metaphysical or paranormal outlook.
The last stage of dreaming I wish to discuss in this section is that of LUCID DREAMING. Chances are
everyone has experienced a lucid dream but many if not most people do not recall these dreams.


Aktivan Član
DREAMING is when you are dreaming and you realize it and gain consciousness. There are levels of
Lucidity one can reach n a dream starting from simply knowing you are dreaming but still not being able
to shake that monster that is chasing you to the extent of knowing you are dreaming and being able to
control everything in your environment and being able to do anything you wish.
Lucidity is normally experienced after you star a normal dream. Commonly something you see in the
dream or do will trigger in your mind that you are dreaming and that is where it all begins. Many
accounts reported are similar. Here is an example of one that one lucid dreamer reported within
scientific experiments: "I dreamt I was walking down a street to my house, I noticed that the houses had
all changed on my street, at that point I realized I was must be dreaming and decided I could fly home
instead of walking and from there began flying, the sensation was so vivid and life-like I was not exactly
convinced I was not dreaming and began to fear that I would fall from my flight. I was very excited by
the sensation and shortly after I woke up”. This is a very common and average scenario of a lucid
dream. It is also common to awaken out of the dram or simply lose lucidity shortly after going lucid, this
is most likely from excitement. Words alone cannot explain the sensation of being lucid and I have
found no feeling that matches it in intensity. - My studies within dreaming and lucid drreaming were
driven by a 'thirst' after I experienced my first lucid dream that I was able to remember after waking.
After that taste of absolute freedom, power and control, I was determined to master this art and have
learned many techniques to make this possible, most of which I will be presenting here.
As I briefly mention here in there in the previous section, Lucidity within dreams is experienced on
different levels. The lowest being that you simply realize you are dreaming but remain without any
power or control of your dream, sometimes not even the ability to wake up at will! Then there is when
you can control what you do in your dream, whether it is to fly, breathe under water, or simply murder
everyone you see! This success you have with what you wish to do tends to fluctuate, for example I
recall a lucid dream I had where I was able o fly at wish, however instead of gliding through the air
gracefully, I was moving with little control of my altitude and not much more control of my direction. I
felt like a helium balloon at the mercy of the winds. Then, there is the ultimate stages of Lucidity where
you can control everything you wish, you can shape-shift into any animal or beast you desire, change
your surroundings and atmosphere to whatever you wish, the possibilities are endless. These are just 3
basic levels I have described of Lucid Dreaming. There are of course, countless levels of lucidity that
can be experienced in between all of these states.
Basically, in a lucid dream there are roughly three factors that determine the type of lucid dream:
1) The Realization: being aware that you are dreaming.
2) The Confirmation: the act of establishing the truth
3) The Control: having power of your actions and dream
With all of the above three aspects combined you can experience a full blown Lucid Dreaming which I
assure you, you will find nothing to equal this sensation.
The first step, Realization is perhaps the hardest since it is the starting point you must reach to begin
your path to Confirmation and Control. This requires determination and persistence the next section will
begin with methods for gaining this first step and entering the gates of lucidity. Do keep in mind
however, Lucidity is a major focus in this book but it is not the ultimate. Once lucidity is obtained and
you are on the path of mastering this art, you will now be on the path to something far beyond what is
normally considered "dreaming".
Methods of Inducing Lucidity:
These first two methods I will present are taken from Dr. Stephen LaBerge (author of LUCID
DREAMING) and are methods he developed in his studies of Lucid Dreaming. I have used these
methods and continue to do so to this day as they have proven to be very effective. First the MILD
method (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) and second the WILD method (Waking Induction of
Lucid Dreams).
Mild Technique
(from Lucid Dreaming FAQ)
Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams
Developed by LaBerge and used by him to induce lucid dreams at will during his Ph.D. study, MILD is
practiced during the night.
1. Setup Dream Recall
Set your mind to awaken from dreams and recall them. When you awaken from a dream, recall it as
completely as you can.
2. Focus Your Intent
While returning to sleep, concentrate single-mindedly on your intention to remember to recognize that
you're dreaming. Tell yourself: "Next time I'm dreaming, I want to remember I'm dreaming." Try to feel
that you really mean it. Focus your thoughts on this idea alone. If you find yourself thinking about
anything else, let it go and bring your mind back to your intention to remember.
3. See Yourself Becoming Lucid
At the same time, imagine that you are back in the dream you just woke from (or another one you have
had recently if you didn't remember a dream on awakening), but this time you recognize that it is a
dream. Look for a dream sign--something in the dream that demonstrates plainly that it is a dream.
When you see it say to yourself: "I'm dreaming!" and continue your fantasy. Imagine yourself carrying
out your plans for your next lucid dream. For example, if you want to fly in your lucid dream, imagine
yourself flying when you come to the point in your fantasy that you "realize" you are dreaming.
4. Repeat Until Your Intention is Set
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until your intention is set; then let yourself fall asleep. If, while falling asleep, you
find yourself thinking of anything else, repeat the procedure so that the last thing in your mind before
falling asleep is your intention to remember to recognize the next time you are dreaming.
©The Lucidity Institute ([email protected])
WILD Technique (Wake Induction of Lucid Dreaming)
1- Perform the above methods for MILD.
2- Before falling asleep, arrange to be woken up 1 hour before your normal waking time. If you must,
use an alarm clock but it is best to find an alternative method such as having someone wake you. - An
alarm clock tends to distract you and makes you lose the position you wake up in when you turn it off.
3 After waking up, concentrate on recalling your dreams. Spend about an hour (no longer) awake. DO
not fall back asleep yet. It is best to read about astral projection, dreaming and/or OBE’s (Out of Body
Experiences) to help focus your mind. Avoid drinking caffeine or high-energy foods. After an hour of
wakefulness, fall back asleep for another hour with the intent of having a lucid dream. This method is
highly recommended and tends to be very successful.
Along with these methods it is also extremely helpful to take about 1/2 to 1 milligram of Melatonin
before going to sleep. This seems to be helpful with all stages of dream working.
Stages of Sleep:
Now we shall take a further look into the stages that occur within sleep. Lucid Dreaming usually occurs
within the stages of R.E.M. sleep. Sleep is characterized by a series of levels or stages that have been
observed by physiological means. The stages are 1, 2 3, 4, and REM. - The first 4 stages are all
classified as NREM (Non-REM) sleep. Stages 3-4 are both classified as “Delta” sleep and is when the
brainwaves produce large, low frequency waves. During REM sleep, this is recognized through science
by active brain functions, bursts of rapid eye movement, occasional muscle twitches, etc. If you observe
a sleeper in these states you will see theses signs. This is also with animals. Research has shown that the
most vivid states of dreaming occur within the REM stages.
The dream levels work on a cycle through out the night. You first commence REM sleep approximately
90 minutes after falling asleep, the duration of REM can last from 5-20 minutes. As the sleep goes
further, the intervals between REM sleep grow shorter, making the lengthiest and most intense stages of
REM sleep at the second half of our slumber and the right before waking. Using the method of
calculating when you will be in REM sleep by knowing that this occurs roughly every 90 minutes of
your sleep, you can arrange to be woken up in the middle of an REM period and this will result in vivid
recall of your dream. It is the first four patterns of the sleep cycle that tend to make your dreams foggy
in remembrance. - REM sleep can last up to periods of one hour towards the final hours of your sleep. It
is also interesting to know that most of the muscles and body undergoes paralysis well REM sleep
occurs to prevent us from physically acting out in dreams. However there are rare exceptions of this
such as Sleepwalking and the more bizarre Sleep Drunkenness, which is where people have been known
to commit extreme acts such as murder while under the spell of sleep. Knowing and understanding how
the stages of sleep work not only encourage your results of lucid dreaming but also make ways for you
to develop your own methods and ways of inducing Lucidity to quality degrees.


Aktivan Član
Additional Methods:
There are several methods to induce lucidity, I will present all that I have worked with that have proven
to be worthwhile. I would suggest you try all methods and several combinations until you find a suitable
and comfortable method for yourself, you might find that you need to alternate methods as well to
maintain your success.
Of course the most important step is dream recall. This has already been discussed at the beginning of
this book, without this, expect no results. A lucid Dream will not be much of an experience for you if
you can’t even remember it!
Now, you must begin to start acknowledging when you are dreaming and when you are awake. Perhaps
this sounds simple however this task can prove to be much more difficult than imagined. How often are
you in a dream and don’t realize you are dreaming? Chances are this is how the majority of your dreams
are. Now, how often are you awake and think you are dreaming???
You would likely answer to this question “Never”. However how many times do you question yourself
in wakefulness and ask yourself if you are dreaming??? If you do not do this is your waking state of
being, I most assure you that it will be very rare for you to do this in a dream, and questioning the dream
is the key to becoming aware that you are dreaming: lucidity! So, you must begin asking yourself
throughout the day “Am I dreaming” take a few seconds to think and ponder on this question before you
auto-reply with the answer “NO”. Think about how you could ask yourself this question in a dream and
how easily it would be to answer incorrectly. Look for signs that confirm the reality that is around you.
Also, once you have your Book of Dreaming in the works, you should review your dreams, look for
symbols or suggestions that seem to reoccur or have things in common that would not happen or be
present in normal wakefulness. - The act of questioning whether or not you are dreaming sounds simple.
However I have found to be persistent through a normal day with this is not a mater of will. I assure you
that you will find yourself forgetting during the middle of your day and only remembering right before
and after sleep to ask yourself this question. Here are two ‘tricks’:
1) Use a wristwatch, set an alarm to go off every hour and when you hear that alarm, stop and ask
yourself if you are dreaming.
2) If the alarm watch is not an option, draw a large letter “C” on the back of your hand (for
consciousness) and every time you see it, stop and ask your self “Am I dreaming”.
These methods that are above mentioned not only help you distinguish when you are dreaming and
when you are awake but they also get you in the subconscious habit of performing this act throughout
the day. Keep this up for a few days. Soon enough you will find yourself looking at your watch or hands
in a dream and be able to answer “yes” to your question.
Also, for some reason, looking at your hands in a dream seems to be effective for inducing Lucidity and
realizing that you are dreaming. I have read different theories on this which all have good points but
they will not be discussed here since it is not relevant to this section.
Pondering and recognizing when you are and are not dreaming is a major key, study when you are not
dreaming and imagine what it would be like if you were dreaming. All this is methods of (self) mind
control and results in the programming of your subconscious, not to mention lucid dreaming.
Lucidity Achieved:
Once you have had a lucid dream there are several things you will notice. One being the most common
is waking up shortly after becoming Lucid. This is a truly aggravating occurrence to those who put
much work into their Lucidity. I believe it is a combination of excitement and fear of waking that results
to this. However, there are many methods I have learned and experimented with that can make your
lucid dream last longer then a brief moment. One thing to realize is very often when you find yourself
awakening from a lucid dream, you are still dreaming! This is a false awakening and though at the time
will seem absolutely real, you will later after awakening realize it was all a dream. Sounds confusing
and when it occurs, it is confusing, however there is a room for understanding in this realm.
Here are the methods for prolonging lucid dreaming that I have found most useful:
1- The Tornado- When your dream starts to fade, the first thing your start to loose is your sense of
vision. When you feel this beginning to occur, imagine yourself to be a tornado or whirlpool and
visualize yourself spinning around. Very commonly you will come into a completely different setting
than what you were dreaming however your lucidity will remain and you do have the possibilities of
changing your environment or Twisting into yet another setting. - I noticed a common experience I
would have with this method would be that I would have my eyes closed (dream eyes) and have a fear of
opening them and that it would cause me to awaken. I think the reason behind this is that the state of
lucid dreaming is so life like to reality I would imagine my dream eyes to be my physical eyes. When I
would get myself to open my eyes I would either go back into the dream or more commonly be in my
sleeping chambers while still dreaming. Other results have occurred in false awakenings.
2- Sense of Touch- Another useful method when your lucid dream begins to fade is to explore your
sense of touch. Touch something with your hands, whether it is your face, the ground, anything with
texture and focus on what you feel. This seems to distract the mind in a way and keep you occupied in
your dream long enough to keep it from fading to wakefulness.
3- The Death Bed- This method can be used if you have lost lucidity or if you have woken up from your
dream (lucid or not) - It is quite simple. Once you wake up, remain motionless, keep your eyes closed
and literally “play dead”. You will find that you will very quickly return into the land of dreaming,
commonly to the same dream you exited from.
Using these methods, along with dedication, and persistence, you should have no reason not to be able
to indulge within the art of Lucid Dreaming. From here you can begin your path to mastering this art. I
would recommend looking into organizations such as the Lucidity Institute, the Monroe Institute and
other organizations devoted to the research of Lucid Dreaming if you feel the need to study this in more
depth. I doubt you will find much more information that will be useful to induce Lucidity that you have
not found here. You will be able to find different accounts of people’s lucid dreams, studies and results
and more interesting information.
Another thing that may be of interest to look into are lucid dream induction machines. I am aware of
three or four companies, which design these, though I have not used them they sound like they would be
helpful. They are basically a set of goggles you wear while going to sleep, they are able to detect when
you are in REM sleep and send some sort of signal to induce lucidity. I know these are rather costly. If
you are merely interested in having a lucid dream than perhaps this is something to look into but if you
wish to gain control over your own mind, there are no mechanical shortcuts.


Aktivan Član
This second chapter is about Astral Projection. Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming have many
parallels. However one is considered Metaphysic and the other, Scientific. The ideas of an astral body is
nothing new in society, this idea has been known to exist since (Wo)Man has been in existence. Whether
you want to consider your astral body your spirit or a mass of energy consisting of etheric currents is
completely up to you. However these following writings will be treating and referring to your Astral
Body as your inmost self, the force or entity which animates you physical body and where your mind
The methods for astral projection are many. I will be covering a few of them that are all in varying
manners but that I have found to be the most successful. A large variety of books are published on this
subject, many of which I feel are a waste of paper. This chapter is not to prove the reality of Astral
Projection or to say whether it is a state of dreaming or an act of actually leaving your body. That is
something you can distinguish for yourself. Just remember, to make a decision for this until you have
experienced the phenomena would not only be pre-judgment but speaking blindly in ignorance without
wisdom of the subject.
Like Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection comes with much work and patience except for the handful of
fortunate individuals that have this happen with little or no effort at all. Assuming you are not one of
these ‘gifted’ individuals I shall proceed with the scriptures of Liber Flight.
Chances are you have experienced brief moments of Astral Projection without even realizing this. For
example have you ever been moving in a direction at a fast speed and jolted to a sudden stop?? The
sensation of your consciousness leaving your physical body slightly occurs with this sensation. Though
a much better example is when you are falling asleep to and jolted awake with the sensation of falling.
The truth is, you are falling. Every time you go into sleep your astral wanders. It is easiest to be able to
recognize and be consciously aware of this as your astral body is in between leaving or entering your
physical body. So beings that you achieve astral projection every night, the hard part is staying
conscious while this occurs!
This by no means is an easy task. I will present several techniques though which will make quite a
worthy map for your journey out of your body.
One good technique I have recently discovered is to start getting better acquainted with the Veil of the
Abyss, the Veil of Waking and Sleep. To do this when you are laying down relaxing, ready o fall asleep,
rest you elbow next to you on the bed and extend your hand and forearm into the air. As soon as you
begin to drift into sleep your hand/arm will fall and this will wake you back up. This exercise is
successful for keeping your conscious alert. Another method that has more or less the same results is to
fall asleep on your back with a pillow resting on your chest. As soon as you fall asleep you will be
awakened and with this methods, you tend to awaken just as your astral body begins to separate from the
physical. Observe and make note of the sensations and occurrences that take place, they will vary but the
more you learn, and experience, the more sense it will all begin to make.
The Dream Gate:
This is a method I have found through personal experience. I am sure I am not the only one that uses this
method but I have read about it nowhere and since it is (for me) the easiest way to achieve conscious
astral projection, I will present this method first before going through the more common steps of
relaxation, meditation, etc. - The only pre-requisite for this method is being able to be successful with
lucid dreaming. Once you are lucid, your mind tends to work and be driven in strange matters so it may
take several attempts to achieve this or it could occur within your first lucid dream that occurs as it did
with me. It is common once you go lucid to carry out strange instincts one would not normally choose
for first choice in waking life considering that you can do virtually anything once lucid. In general the
urges of sexual nature and flying seam predominant within lucid dreams. This is understandable but
when you actually think that you could be doing anything you possibly could imagine or wish, it starts
to seem that maybe flying and fornication would not necessarily be your first choice when waking. I am
assuming this urges have a psychological reference and perhaps it is part of primal urges that are
unleashed when you are once again using a part of your mind that society has buried long ago. However,
next time you are lucid, leave your body. It is quite easy beings that you don’t have to go through the
tedious steps of getting into a trance (since you are already there)! I found that I simply will to leave my
body and I was able to achieve astral projection. The sensation was intense enough being lucid but it
was increased incredibly when I left my body. - I have had difficulty in some lucid dreams with simply
willing to leave my body and found other techniques. The most helpful is what I call the Stargate
method. All you need do is look up at the sky. If you are inside go out side. If it is daytime look anyway
into the sky until you see a star, expect to see the star and it will appear, usually with many others to
follow. Focus on one star that seems to be attracting your attention the most. You will then be able to
feel a pulling sensation from the star, try to rise up towards the star. At first it may feel like a million
rubber bands are holding you to the ground and that you are stretching back and forth. If this occurs,
remain focused, you will notice with each rebound from this “rubber band” effect, you will begin
stretching farther and farther from the ground until you are finally ascending towards the star.
The sensation I experience I will explain however this will most likely vary from person t person,
though many of these sensations are similar or common to other’s experiences while out of body. I first
experience a pulsing sensation, it is like a ringing that can be felt inside in waves of intensity, the more
into the astral I slip, the more intense the pulsating becomes, sometimes the sensation seems too intense,
like something is going to explode but once you have broken free from your body, the sensation begins
to go less and less noticeable. Usually I start ascending towards the sky, a star. I start ascending slowly
while in a soft rotation. As I increase altitude I also increase speed and rotation. From this point I usually
have the options of floating through what sees like a type of void or going to a preconceived destination.
I have arrived in preconceived destinations generally in two different ways. 1) I will ascend towards the
star and the speed and spinning get so intense that the stars are seen as lines (such as the movie Star
Wars during a space warp) and all the sudden I lose all senses for a brief second and begin gaining
consciousness in the destination planned. 2) I ascend towards the star in the same manner and
experience the same ‘blackout’ sensation but then am able to descend back to earth very quickly and
find whichever destination I am looking for. On top of all these common occurrences you may very well
likely just find yourself within your physical body and simply float right out of it once you get used to
the disorientation of being in your astral body.
I have also had astral projection occur in this manner where I just arrive in a destination that was not
planned. I sometimes am familiar with the place but more often times the place is foreign to me. This
seems to happen less the more I experiment with astral travel but still persistently occurs.
The Astral Senses:
One thing you can expect when first venturing within the astral is a need to develop your senses. Your
sense of vision is what you will perhaps notice first is lacking. It will most likely be foggy or no
visibility at all. It is much like the sensation of being asleep for a lengthy period of time in a dark room
and having the lights abruptly turn on and waiting for our eyes to adjust. You will feel very awkward at
first in your astral body, you will be like a child learning to walk, talk and be coherent to what you
experience. The only remedy I know of for this is experience, persistence and time to develop your
senses within the astral. Eventually, you will develop your astral body and learn to use it.
The senses of your astral can be considered E.S.P. - You speak through Telepathy, you see through
clairvoyance, you touch through Telekinesis, etc, etc. - This will make much more sense once you
achieve conscious astral projection so I will not spend the time to explain this.


Miran dečak
Koliko sam shvatio iz prethodnog,ispravite me ako gresim,trebalo bi prvo usavrsiti meditaciju pa onda preci na OBE i razne projekcije...Ako je tako,onda imam jedno pitanje...Kako mogu znati kada sam usavrsio(ili barem doveo do dovoljnog nivoa) meditiranje?


Aktivan Član
Svi mi imamo projekcije za vreme sna samo sto nemozemo da ih zapamtimo. Koliko snova, realno, mozes da se setis kada se probudis? Stvar je u tome da su to "dva razlicita sveta" i funkcionisu na razlicitim principima. Treba sto vise iskustva da bi se upoznala ta teritorija, ta "atmosfera" jer u pocetku si posmatrac, a vremenom upoznajes "pravila" i postajes "akter" da bi kasnije mogao da postanes kreator i manipulator u igri. Zato je bitno iskustvo, a, kao sto sam vec rekao, presudno je stanje svesti u kome se nalazis. Jer svet u koji se projektujes je reflekcija tvoje svesti. Meditacije cesto "predje" u OBE, odnosno spontano postane OBE. Nevidim zasto nebi mogao odmah da imas i OBE, stvar je u tome sto ces sa vise iskustva imati manje problema pri downloadu pamcenja iskustva koje si doziveo... Pokusaj pa javi...


Miran dečak
Oke...Prvo cu se usredsrediti na meditiranje,pa kada budem bio spreman ciljam na vise...Svejedno,izvestavam sigurno...


Miran dečak
Kako dobre stvari ima onde...ccc...Neznam kako ranije nisam cuo za Robert Brusa...

To je kada osoba postane potpuno svesna onoga što sanja. Osoba ili preuzima neku svesnu kontrolu nad tokom dogadjaja, ili pretvara iskustvo u AP. LS je više sličan astralnoj projekciji negoli vantelesnom iskustvu, jer su i u njemu vreme i stvarnost poremeceni.

Kurblaj Kan

Aktivan Član
Taj tekst ja imam isprintano i po njemu sam do sada pokušavao prakticirati istina malo puat ali bez nekih osobitih rezultata, projekciju još niasm ni isprobavao ja još imam problema s meditacijom, mozak preaktivan