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Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden


Aktivan Član
ako je neko voljan da mi prevede ovo na hrvatski jezik bio bi mu stvarno zahvalan posto ja neznam pravopis hr.

meni je to potrebno za sutra tako ako neko moze stvarno mi je hitno..


The paper is aimed at the decision – making of managers study
with respect to the basic model of learning organization,
presented by P. Senge as a system model of the management. The
empirical research was designed in connection with key
dimensions of organizational learning: 1. system thinking, 2.
personal mastery, 3. mental models, 4. team learning, 5. goals
as mission and 6. causes dynamics. The goal of the research was
to analyse the measure of the manager's orientation to the
decision – making with using the bureaucratic tools or
organizational learning one in comparison of the problematic
situation solving and the non-problematic ones (MANOVA, method
of the repeated measure, intersubject factor – situation: 1.
non-problematic, 2. problematic). The conclusion of analysis
is, that there are the significant differencies between
character of the problematic and non-problematic situation
solving: the bureaucratic attributes of decision-making are more
intensive in the problematic situation, learning approache is
more actual in non-problematic situations.

Key words: organizational learning, manager´s decision making, bureaucracy

mozete brisati ovo za jedno sat vremena vec se nasao neko ko ce mi prevesti