Foreign hippie seeking information

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden
Hi all,

I am dissi, a hippie head from Scandinavia who has quite recently moved to Croatia. I'm a drug policy activist, and also an administrator of Scandinavias biggest cannabis forum,. It is quite similar to this forum, just a bit bigger.

I'm very happy to have found this forum, and I am looking forward to hanging out here from now on. My croatian is at the moment very poor, but I hope to improve soon. Malo razumijem hrvatski. Why don't you have an english subforum? :)

So what I first would like to ask you guys and gals about, is the following:

1. How strict are the croatian drug laws? Is it really so that you can go to jail for a joint?

2. Is indoor growing common in Croatia?

3. What consequences do you face if caught growing?

4. Do the police co-operate with the electrical companies to catch growers?

5. Do the police have helicopters with IR-cameras to discover indoor grows, like in the U.S?

6. Where do I buy good soil?

7. What are the common weed prices in this country?

8. Do you have any active legalization movements, and do the active members get harrassed by the authorities?

9. Do you arrange demonstrations? If not, why not?

I hope I'm not asking too much, but information is key to survival these days.

This is quite likely posted the wrong place, but I trust you moderators to move my thread to a place it belongs.

Peace and love,



Constant learning
Dissi,hey =) i cant answer you all questions but il answer you some ;)
1.) yes,you can go in a jail for joint (max 3 years =/ )
7.)the weed is poor quality,and the prices are 70-100 kuna per 1g..cca 13 euros per 1gram,very high price for s... ao alot of people are growin


Aktivan Član
1. How strict are the croatian drug laws? Is it really so that you can go to jail for a joint?
Very strict and precise you cant have anything even with a sign of marijuana anywhere that can be seen :D and for posesion you get from 5 to 15000 kn and for growing and dealing prison for sure from 1 to 5 years
2. Is indoor growing common in Croatia?
Not so much , it has taken a step further with this forum though...
3. What consequences do you face if caught growing?
prison :D
4. Do the police co-operate with the electrical companies to catch growers?
no just pay the bill
5. Do the police have helicopters with IR-cameras to discover indoor grows, like in the U.S?
6. Where do I buy good soil?
hmmm the best soil i found is Composana in big shoping mall called Bauhaus
7. What are the common weed prices in this country?
from 70-100 kn per gram depends what do ou want
8. Do you have any active legalization movements, and do the active members get harrassed by the authorities?
not that i recall
9. Do you arrange demonstrations? If not, why not?
no there was a march a few years ago but no and the reason is unknown

Welcome to our forum :D cheers mate


Vutra Veteran
Welcome dissi :)

Of all the places in Europe, why did you move to Croatia??? :D
Unfortunately, our country is no place for a stoner and a grower because
politics brainwashed most of the people here...drugs are evil and
marijuana leads to heroin, stupid things like that

We were working on an english subforum and i
think it should be up in a short period of time!:facesjump:
Just for the record, this is site for all former Yugoslavia republics - Slovenia,Croatia,Serbia,Bosnia and Macedonia


Zabljak 1992

Aktivan Član
gloss_zelenky je napisao(la):
Welcome dissi :)

Of all the places in Europe, why did you move to Croatia??? :D
Unfortunately, our country is no place for a stoner and a grower because
politics brainwashed most of the people here...drugs are evil and
marijuana leads to heroin, stupid things like that

We were working on an english subforum and i
think it should be up in a short period of time!:facesjump:
Just for the record, this is site for all former Yugoslavia republics - Slovenia,Croatia,Serbia,Bosnia and Macedonia




Vutra Veteran
Wellcome fellow weedster :)
Some stormy clouds ahead at 10000ft so we better fly higher today. Make sure u buckle up before takeoff and we hope you enjoy the flight.
Wow, thank you so much for all the positive response. I really feel welcomed here. :)

You asked why I moved here? Well, I can't really say the reasons, that would be too much information for your nazi police. Ali, I really like the country and climate. I also have friends here, and in BiH. Some of my better friends. :)

I have to say your laws really are insane, a bit worse than I thought. I still want to grow though...however I am reconsidering the size of the grow. Would my landlord react on the electrical bill if I have a 2400W setup? With 12/12 lights, this is 1200W 24/7, so it's not really that much more than a server PC with a big power supply. Is this nuts? I live in a quite big apartment, you see, 75 sqm. And I am an experienced grower who always takes all necessary security precautions. Silencers, huge charcoal filter and so on. I will use the next months to observe my landlords behaviour, just to make sure he's not a sneaky bastard.


Vutra Veteran
Haha dude.. I'd go 2x600w max.. BUT I'm not you :)

If you pay your electrical bill on time and keep a low profile 2400w can be done, but is a little over the top if things go wrong.. heck even a 400w grow is waaay over the top if things go wrong.. law wise..
Thanks for you opinion elephant0r. I might just do that, and go for 2x600. I'll probably get rid of all of the equipment in the spring, and continue outside. I have a few elite clones that probably would enjoy Croatian weather. :)

Is it possible to sell equipment on this site? Since I have a couple of 600W HPS with reflectors I no longer need.


Aktivan Član
dissi je napisao(la):
9. Do you arrange demonstrations? If not, why not?

HEy dissi

Since you come from a western european country
you might give us some advice regarding demonstrations

for instance do you do it in sweden
if yes how?
and how was it done in the early phases?
what do people in sweden think about marihuana and marihuana smokers?

cuz lots of us would like to become active
and make pressure on media, people and overall mentality
but we just don't know how to start
and where to start from

it's fcked up to do sth in this (these) country(s)
we would really welcome some advices and your experience

as you said
information is powerful
so share m8 :D

Kurblaj Kan

Aktivan Član
Dont like to be the bad guy but you did mention that you plan to grow with a 2400 W setup or 2x 600 W and it is obvious that you plan to be a commercial grower(correct me if i'm wrong) so i must warn you that we try to encourage growing for personal needs and dont really like comercial grows, its a rule for our safety and the forum and site safety.

And now not to be so gloom i wish you a nice stay in Croatia and have all best wishes

Zabljak 1992

Aktivan Član
Šaman Šandor;81420 je napisao(la):
Dont like to be the bad guy but you did mention that you plan to grow with a 2400 W setup or 2x 600 W and it is obvious that you plan to be a commercial grower(correct me if i'm wrong) so i must warn you that we try to encourage growing for personal needs and dont really like comercial grows, its a rule for our safety and the forum and site safety.

And now not to be so gloom i wish you a nice stay in Croatia and have all best wishes

all the hippies are now yappies:icon_mrgreen:

Welcome anyway