BREZA — betula pendula

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden


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BREZA — betula pendula

Drugi nazivi: brez, brezuša, briza, brizovina, metlika.

Opis biljke: postoje dvije vrsti breza: bijela ili obična breza i cvetna ili sjeverna breza. U liječenju Ijekovitim biljem obje imaju jednaku vrijednost.

Breza je 10 do 25 m visoko drvo s tankim, vitkim grančicama i bijelom glatkom korom što se može Ijuštiti na listiće tanke poput papira. Listovi na peteljkama su koso četvrtasti ili trokutasti, zašiIjeni i dvostruko pilasti. Cvjetne rese dugačke su 3 do 4 cm, a razvijaju se zajedno s lišćem.

Vrijeme cvatnje: konac travnja i u svibnju. Stanište: rasprostranjena je na planinama, a nalazi se pojedinačno ili u skupinama. Najčešće se nalazi na močvamom i vlažnom tlu, i kao ukrasno drvo po parkovima.

Ljekoviti dijelovi biljke: za lijek se skupljaju sok, rese, listovi i kora. Sok se vadi koncem veljače ili početkom ožujka, a lišće se bere za vrijeme cijele vegetacije. Kora se prikuplja u proljeće i jesen.

Ljekovito djelovanje: u prolječe, kad počnu kolati sokovi, probuši se rupa u stablu. U nju se stavi tanka cjevčica pomoću koje dobivamo brezov sok. U soku se nalazi šećer te, ukoliko ga grijemo da provri, dobivamo brezovo vino. Sok i vino su odličan lijek za liječenje ateroskleroze, gojaznosti, bubrežnih kamenaca i drugih bubrežnih bolesti. Uklanja slabo rnokrenje, bjelančevine u mokraći i čisti krv.

Čaj od brezovog lišća i resa pojačava izlučivanje mokraće, odstranjuje kiselinu iz organizma te liječi groznicu, reumatske bolesti i vodenu bolest.

Eng version

BIRCH - Betula

Other names:, brezuša, care, brizovina, metlika.

Plant description: There are two types of birch: white or birch and floral or northern birch. The mud bath treatment plants both have the same value.

Birch is 10 to 25 m tall tree with a thin, slender branches and white smooth bark that can be Ijuštiti into slices as thin as paper. The leaves on stalks are obliquely rectangular or triangular, zašiIjeni and double sawtooth. Flower tassels long as 3 to 4 inches, and is developing along with the leaves.

Flowering time: end of April and in May. Habitat: widespread in the mountains and located individually or in groups. The most common is the močvamom and moist soil, and as a decorative tree in the parks.

Medicinal parts of plants: the drug is collected juice, tassels, leaves and bark. The juice is extracted in late February or early March, and the leaves are harvested during the growing season. The bark is collected in spring and autumn.

Pharmaceutical action: In the spring, when they begin to circulate juices, pierce a hole in the tree. In her put a slender tube through which we get birch juice. The juice of the sugar and, if we heat it to a boil, we get birch wine. Juice and wine are excellent drug for the treatment of atherosclerosis, obesity, kidney stones and other kidney diseases. Removes bad rnokrenje, protein in the urine and cleanses the blood.

Tea made from birch leaves and catkins enhances the secretion of urine, removing acid from the body and cures fever, rheumatic disease and dropsy.