SLJEZ BIJELI — althaea officinalis

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden


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SLJEZ BIJELI — althaea officinalis


Drugi nazivi: bili sliz, dobri slez, pitomi šljez, šljez, šljezovina, veliki sliz.

Opis biljke: bijeli sljez trajna je biljka s mesnatim, jakim i razgranatim korijenom bijele boje. Iz korijena izbijaju najprije zeleni i okruglasti listovi, a zatim nekoliko stabljika što dosežu visinu do 2 metra. Listovi na stabljici bili su prilično veliki, naborani, trokrpasti i debeli i s obje strane obrasli pustenim dlakama. Listovi su srebrnastosive ili sivo-zelene boje. Veliki cvjetovi pojavljuju se u naku-pinama, u pazušcima listova, a boja im je bijela do svijetlocrvena. Plodovi su nalik plodovima crnog sljeza, s tom razlikom da je vanj-ska čaška kod bijelog sljeza sastavljena iz mnogo ovršnih listova, dok se kod cmog sljeza sastoji samo od 2 do 3.

Vrijeme cvatnje: od lipnja do konca kolovoza.

Staniste: raste na nasipima, uz rijeke, u grabama, na vlažnim livadama i, općenito, na poplavljenim područjima. Uzgaja se i u vrtovima.

Ljekoviti dijelovi biljke: korijen se kopa u proljeće ili u jesen nakon cvatnje. Cvjetovi sabiru se za vrijeme cvatnje, a listovi u jesen (ne u proljeće) nakon cvatnje.

Ljekovito djelovanje biljke: u starom vijeku korijen bijelog sljeza bio je veoma cijenjen. Caj od bijelog sljeza povoljno djeluje kod kašlja, bronhitisa i plućnog katara. Preporučuje se kao lijek kod bronhalne astme i početne tuberkuloze pluća, kod katara u mokraćnom mjehuru, bolnog mokrenja ili teškoga zadržavanja mo-kraće. Koristan je, također, u liječenju bolesti cijelog probavnog trakta, a posebice upale debelog crijeva (colitisa), proljeva, srdobolje, povraćanja s proljevom kod dojenčadi i dr. Pomiješan s drugim Ijekovitim biljkama koristi se u liječenju drugih bolesti.


MARSHMALLOW WHITE - althaea officinalis

Other names: they sliz, good marshmallow, sweet marshmallow, marshmallow, šljezovina, large sliz.

Description of the plant: the marshmallow is permanent plant with fleshy, strong and spreading roots of white. From the roots emerge first green and rounded leaves, and then a few stems that reach up to 2 meters. The leaves on the stalk were quite large, wrinkled, trokrpasti and thick and both sides covered with felt hair. The leaves are silvery gray or gray-green color. Large flowers appear in naku-and bones, in the leaf axils, and the color is white to bright red. The fruits are similar to fruit mallow, with the difference that in him, ska cup with the marshmallow composed of many bracts, while in cmog Complex consists on only 2 do third

Flowering time: June to end of August.

Habitat: growing on embankments, along the river, in a ditch, in moist meadows and, in general, the flooded areas. It is grown in the gardens.

Medicinal plant parts: root bathed in the spring or fall after flowering. The flowers are gathered during the flowering and the leaves in the fall (in the spring) after flowering.

Curative effect of plants in ancient times Marshmallow root was highly valued. Tea from Marshmallow beneficial effect on cough, bronchitis and pulmonary catarrh. It is recommended as a cure for bronchial asthma and initial pulmonary tuberculosis, catarrh of the bladder, painful urination or holding heavy power-less. It is useful also in the treatment of diseases of the entire gastrointestinal tract, especially the colon inflammation (colitis), diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting, diarrhea in infants and others. When mixed with other plants, mud bath is used in the treatment of other diseases.