
Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden
It's ironic, but I tried my best to translate:

Vutra.Org site is in private ownership and access to the forums is free to register required for writing messages, unless otherwise indicated in some forums. Using our forum is a privilege, not a RIGHT and can be denied to anyone at any time if the administrator to assess the integrity of the site and forums endangered user behavior.

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Please note that is strictly prohibited obraćati people, especially administrators site, as the forum and through the contact form at the site of the requirements for procurement (sales / bestowal / exchange) any illegal means (including marijuana), and if so you can do and probably will be permanently banovani.

For the purchase as legal and illegal means, you can contact our sponsors (see ads on the site and forum) and only at your own risk.

Google translate rules. This text of course has to be corrected by someone, but it's probably quite good.
Hi, could someone please help me?

I have tried my best to search but somehow i can not find it, im searching for a password, so far i have found out that password is either Lozinka, Šifra or parola, i tried to search around the site and inside the forum for a long time but with no sucess.

Its the password for the songs here https://forums.vutra.org/threads/3744-dub-downtempo-dubstep-trip-hop-i-srodno-tome for the Rapidshare uploads.

Thank you very much for any help
What are the rules for signatures?
It seems that everyone has very simple, small ones (usually text-only) so I'm wondering what the size limits are for signature images. Thanks! (I'd rather ask first, than get shouted at for breaking rules. hehe)


√-1 <3 π
Sig is limited to 1 image only but no strict rule about size.
IMO image up to 150px height should be no problem.

¤ tweety ¤

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hy bro,welcome
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