Mephisto Genetics 3x3 grow by MMSplit

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden


Tata Splico :D
Poznanik Foruma
Pozdrav ekipa! :wave:

Doslo je vrijeme da i ja nakon dugo vremena pametovanja skupim muda i otvorim svoj prvi dnevnik na Vutri...

Odmah da kazem neke stvari. Znam sva pravila uzduz i poprijeko, smatram se odgovornom i normalnom osobom, te iako ce se ovaj moj grow ciniti mnogima kao "overkill" uvjeravam vas da nije. Volio bih cijele godine istrazivati sorte, baviti se krizanjem, kloniranjem i raznim drugim stvarima, medutim iz objektivnih razloga (necu sad u detalje), imam vremena za 1-2 growa godisnje, za vrijeme kojih nastojim dobiti kolicinu koja ce mi potrajati jako dugo. Prvi grow ikad sam obavio sa za mene zapanjujucim rezultatima u kojima jos dan danas uzivam, ali otvorio mi se vremenski prozor... Tako da here I go again... :)

Growtent: 150x150x220cm
Svjetlo: prva faza - Primaklima Starlight reflektor (4x55W, Philips PI865/6500 Kelvin), kasnije Gavita 1000 DE sa mogucnoscu namjestanja od 600 - 1150 W
Ventilacija: upuh - Vents 125
ispuh - Vents VK 250 sa kontrolom brzine i temperature
+ vent za mijesanje zraka u boxu + filter
Posude: 9 x Autopot (15L) sa tankom od 100L
Supstrat: Gold Label HydroCoco 60:40 + humus kalifornijskih glista + extra glinene kuglice
Gnojivo: cijela linija Biotabs gnojiva (o tome kad bude vrijeme)
Dodaci: Hygro-termometar, kineski luxmetar i infracrveni "pistolj" termometar za mjerenje temp. na listovima, mali ovlazivac

SORTE: po 3 biljke Hubbabubbasmelloscope (HBSS), Walter White (WW) i Ripley's OG od Mephisto Genetics - sve sorte od Mephista su autofloweri (osim ako narucite foto freebieje)

Hubbabubbasmelloscope is a very special part of our collection. Many years ago Bubblegum was the first Amsterdam cannabis we experienced, and so holds a sentimental reason to us. A couple of years ago we were lucky enough to be given a very special bubblegum cutting of 90’s serious seeds origin. Years later, several hundred plants were grown to find a matching high quality bubblegum smelling male to mate her with, but none matched her so she remains as an elite a photoperiod. We crossed her to one of our high quality auto parents that is a good balance between indica and sativa. The results of this pairing have really made us happy! The bubblegum smell and taste is dominant amongst a high proportion. There are Indica and Sativa phenotypes, she likes to get big!

Plants love to branch into the typical christmas tree pattern, and she can exceed 100cm tall and wide to match in the right conditions. The buds are generally compact, and there are A LOT of them. So yields are splendid. She doesn’t waste trichomes on fan leaves, however the buds late in flower are totally encrusted in resin. She can also purple up when shown cold temperatures. We have recorded a good resistance to mould. Great candidate for training if your space is limited. She oozes taste, smell and an amazing sweet flavour, she has a euphoric giggly and creative high, she’s our go to girl for a social party.

Indica/sativa – 50/50

Flower density – 7.5/10

Harvest – 75 days from sprout

Height – 90cm+

Yield – 90g

Aroma – citrus/spice

Potency – high! – euphoric relaxing buzz Grow -


Thc content – unknown at present

For years, we drooled over photos online of krome’s magnificent strain ‘the White’ – the most resinous strain we’ve seen to date, this amazing cut looks positively like either photoshop fairies have been at work or there is an unknown phenomenon of snow forming in people’s grow rooms. Thanks to a very kind friend, finally we got our hands on krome’s cut of the White. It’s a fantastic plant to grow and work with, in out crosses the stupendous resin profile is commonly gifted to the new offspring and hence this cut has been used in a many breeding projects the world over. But again another world first brought to you by Mephisto genetics is the first auto flowering version. We had an ideal breeding automatic, already dominantly White that would be a perfect suitor to knock up this fine lady, an automatic indica/sativa hybrid breeding parent that through our trials over generations was resistant, hardy and a good size to be versatile across many different growrooms and set-ups. Walter White is a medium/large variety that averages 100cm+, the plant structure is main cola dominant, but with long branches that stretch up and out. At the end of the branches she forms dense clusters of flowers (can need support towards the end of flower to stop the weight flopping them over) Her structure allows easy manipulation and makes Walter White a good contender for training, LST or SCROG. Very adaptable plant. The buds are very high grade, coated, and then coated again, with thick furry resin, and then once again for good luck (and looks) , the flower to leaf ratio is very high and these are an absolute joy to manicure and process. Bud density is 7.5/10 on the Mephisto scale. Her aroma is a combination of citrus and spice, and is a beautiful flavoursome smoke, the effect is absolutely narcotic so take care to not over indulge if you have things to do! The potency is strong and the duration of high is long. This strain has been one of our dreams to make for many years and now we are over the moon to share her with you. Yields of 90g/3oz per plant are easily achievable with a good setup.

Indica/sativa – 40/60

Flower density – 6-8/10

Harvest – 70 days from sprout Height – 110cm

Yield – 120g

Aroma – strong! – raw rank offensive funk/deep sweet berry

Potency – high! – energetic buzz evolving to heavy narcotic

Grow – Indoor/outdoor/greenhouse

Thc content – unknown at present

On our quest to find and create the best auto-flowering representation, you name it we tried it.. In a year of trialling many famous and elite branded seeds and cuts this was the second paired with the triangle kush, that we fell in love with. It was an alien OG passed to us derived from a large selection of Cali connection stock, she was compact, squat and fat with lush thick leaves, oozing resin contrasted by deep luscious autumnal colours, purple verging on black during late flower with slightly cooler night-time temps. The initial yield was great for an OG and running her successively she produces very hard juicy buds of the highest quality. Our autoflower match for her was of a larger stature for AF’s with a sativa leaning makeup, this transferred through into the Ripley’s OG as she evolved over the subsequent generations, the parental influence opened up her structure and averaging 110cm she is amongst our tallest varieties. However we rank her as medium-large, because there are a minority of medium sized phenotypes- 3 from 10, but regardless of what size, she’s a beauty to behold. The structure during flower is to produce a tall stem with short offshoot buds each with a juicy present on the end. Generally not elongated colas but clusters of chunky flowers. There are two different distinct aromas, one is raw rank funk, the other is a deep earthy berry. Both are a fitting perfume, very pleasant to the sadistic. Advise is to monitor odour control strictly with this variety. She produces a phenomenal amount of thick sticky resin and has a distinctly white appearance, bud density varies between 6-8 out of 10, we would recommend saving all trim for extraction. Yield is very good and given a good life and environment, well grown specimens can produce 120g/4oz per plant.

Ako sam sta slucajno zaboravio pitajte, stvarno se sad ne mogu sjetit vise niceg...

DAN 1 - po 5 sjemenki od svake sorte su zasadene u nedjelju u male teglice (nemam pojma kolike su) jer sam imao osjecaj da cu nesto usrat. Zasadene u mix HydroCoco i humusa u omjeru 80:20 sa malo Mycotrexa od Biotabsa. Prskane svako malo prskalicom (pH 1 dan odstajale vode namjestam lim. kis. na 6.0).
I na srecu, ili zalost, nisam nista usrao...o_OZa sad 14/15... Pocinje im borba za 9 mjesta u finalu (Autopotovima). :D

Sad je situacija ovakva: temp 27C, vlaga 70%
IMG_2621.JPG IMG_2600.JPG IMG_2602.JPG IMG_2604.JPG IMG_2606.JPG IMG_2608.JPG IMG_2610.JPG IMG_2612.JPG IMG_2614.JPG

Updejtovi ce ic svakih 5-7-10 dana (ovisno o razvoju situacije), sve sugestije, kritike i savjeti su dobrodosli...



.!. .!.
Iz onih par slika sto sam vidio od tvojeg proslog growa sa zadovoljstvom cu pratiti ovaj:thumb:
Oprema je top,samo eto dijelim misljenje kao i tarzo sto se tice automata pogotovo nakon Sannie's seedsa
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Tata Splico :D
Poznanik Foruma
@Tarzan, @Himalaya Gold - ne brinite, nisam ove sorte izabrao bzvz nego nakon polugodisnjeg trazenja po forumima... Dosao do i odusevio se s Mephistom... Mora me nesto privuc. Svida mi se njihova prica, metode, customer support, sorte, tako da se nadam da ce ispast sve kako treba. :)

@peti element - temp ovog reflektora je zanemariva - mozes ga zabit seedlingsima u facu i nista im nece bit... Sad je na manje od 10cm a temp je 27C.

Ostatak ekipe hvala na lijepim zeljama! Vutra rules. :vutra:


Tata Splico :D
Poznanik Foruma
Ma kakav spam, rekao sam da su svi komentari dobrodosli... Volim kad se diskutira... :)

Ja dosad nisam imao tu (ne)srecu da probam autose, ali moj moto u zivotu je da treba sve probat... ;) Vidjet cemo za dva-dva ipo mjeseca...


Tata Splico :D
Poznanik Foruma
Yup... Bas tako. Prvi grow sam zeznuo par sjemenki pa sam mislio da cu i ovaj... A posto mi je Mephisto poslao duplo vise nego sta sam narucio racunam ne kosta nista probat. Sad mi je zao. Ali ide natjecanje za miss, po 3 najljepse od svake sorte idu u Autopotove, ostatak cu donirat u humanitarne svrhe... :)


Poznanik Foruma
Brutala oprema,brutala sjemenke,znanja imaš i još malo sreće i bit će na kraju brutala vrhovi!:respect:
Sretno i ak će trebat udomitelj javi!:thumb:
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