ROSOPAS — chelidonium majus

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden


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ROSOPAS — chelidonium majus


Drugi nazivi: lastavičina trava, rosopas obični, rusa, rusa trava, trava od žutice, trava od rosopasa, zmijino mlijeko, zmijsko grožđe, žuta trava.

Opis biljke: rosopas je trajna zeljasta biljka s debelim i vlak-nastim podankom, te razgranjenom stabljikom visine od 30 do 70 cm. Stabljika irna mjestimice čuperke dlaka i odebljala koljenca. Listovi su perasto razdijeljeni, odozgo mutnozeleni, a s donje strane modro-zeleni. Žuti su cvjetovi složeni u rijetke štitaste cvatove. Vjenčić je sastavljen od 4 latice a čaška od 2 zelenkasta lapa, u kojima je omotan cvijet, a otpadaju kad se rascvjeta. Plod je valjkasti tobolac, s mnogo cmo-smeđih sjajnih sjemenki, što imaju maleni bjelkasti privjesak. Rosopas se lako raspoznaje po narančastom mlijeku što »grize« kad se otkine list. Korijen i stabljika puni su toga soka.

Vrijeme cvatnje: od kraja travnja do kraja kolovoza.

Stanište: raste na zapuštenim mjestima, putovima, u blizini Ijudskih naselja, uz ograde, plotove i zidove te među kamenjem.

Ljekoviti dio biljke: za lijek sabire se čitava biljka za vrijeme cvatnje. Suši se u hladu, po mogućnosti što brže.

Ljekovito djelovanje: rosopas je odavna poznata Ijekovita biljka što se uspješno koristi u liječenju bolesti probavnog trakta, posebice kod želuca, žuči i jetre. Isto tako, koristan je u liječenju astme, bubrega i mokraćnog mjehura. Izvana rosopas koristi se u liječenju lišaja, krasta i drugih kožnih bolesti.Sadrzi alkaloide koji djeluju anti karcenogeno tj unistavaju tumore i patogene stanice.


ROSOPAS - chelidonium majus

Other names: lastavičina grass, celandine ordinary, celandine, celandine herbs, grasses of jaundice, the grass of Celandine, milk snake, snake grapes, yellow grass.

Description of the plant: celandine is permanent herbaceous plant with thick and train Nast corms and branched stem height of 30 to 70 cm. Stalking Extensive places tufts of hair and thickened feet at. The leaves are pinnately divided, above mutnozeleni, on the underside of the blue-green. Yellow flowers are arranged in a rare thyroid blossoms. The corolla is composed of four petals and cup of two greenish sepals, which is wrapped in a flower, and fall when the blossom. The fruit is cylindrical quiver, with many black and brown shiny seeds, which have tiny whitish pendant. Celandine is easily recognized by the orange milk as "bites" when you tear off sheet. The root and stems are full of that juice.

Flowering time: from late April to late August.

Habitat: growing on abandoned sites, waterways, near human settlements, with railings, fences and walls, and between the stones.

The medicinal part of the plant: the drug summed up the whole plant during flowering. Dry in the shade, preferably as soon as possible.

Pharmaceutical action: celandine, known to the mud bath herb which has been used successfully in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, especially in the stomach, gall bladder and liver. Also, useful in the treatment of asthma, kidney and bladder. Celandine used externally in the treatment of lichen, scabs and other skin diseases.