Croatian electricity / crystals for soil / quality compost

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Hi all,

I was wondering if you know approximately how many watts I can use in an average Croatian apartment. Might be running a grow soon and need to know my limits. A/C, fans and lamps draws quite a lot of power...and I'm guessing old Croatian buildings don't have the best electrical wiring. Or maybe they do. So what is the safe limit?

Also, where could I find high quality compost in Croatia?

I am also looking for crystals/polymers - they retain water very well, and are ideal to use in outdoor grows. That way I don't have to water so damn often. :)

Kudos for a nice forum!

Will be moving down to Croatia soon, looking forward to it!



Prijatelj Foruma
Vutra Veteran
How many watts ? can grow your girls under 400w hps ,it should be good with fans ,but your bill will be high as hell.
However if you're pointing at a cheap bill ,you should use CFL bulbs ,or a chepaer option energy saveing bulbs.You need more bulbs than,but it's good ...and you can grow your children under them at all stages.

I was using Hps 400w ,in a building that has no heating,so it was all ok with the bill,because the bill for electicity was all the time high,because of the heating was allso on electricty.
High quality compost in Croatia ,you can find it in all agro shops,it's not a problem.
Or you can visit a big market like Pevec,Getro,Interspar or others that have compost for flowers.
All equipment you can find in electricity sections like big markets, like Bauhaus or Lightning shops all around the bigger city's like Zagreb...In smaller towns it's a little dificult to find all you need ,when we speak about electricity...but you will find it all easy!

Good luck with your grow,
looking forward for your Grow diary ! ;)
Our usefull members will help you all around the stages ,if you experience some problems during the grow.

The biggest problem is with crystal/polymers ,i am allso searching for them !
On the forum ,is a topic that says Hidrogel ,something like that,and some of the members was posted a link ,where you can order it ,and they will deliver it to you with no suspicious minds :)
However i would much happier if i could personally buy that from a shop.
But i could not find it in Croatia.
If you find it ,feel free to say !! :)
Hey delboy,

thanks for your nice reply.

I think you misunderstood my question - I meant: what is the maximum amount of watt I can use in an apartment before it becomes dangerous for the electrical wiring? Can I go above 2kw? I will be using probably 2x600W lights (one for vegging, one for flower), plus a powerful A/C (1200W). Then I have the ventilator which will use a couple of hundred watts too... it might be 3kw altogether. It's expensive - I know. But I would like to grow during the summer time too, so I need the A/C.

Thanks for the tip about the crystals - I will buy some!

When it comes to the compost, I am talking about pure organic compost. I don't think this is something they usually sell in stores, but it might be different in your country. I will see what I find.

you can go over 3k .... our electrical heaters for apartmet tak like 4 kw when they are on all together...
so no fear :)


Prijatelj Foruma
Vutra Veteran
Yeah i misunderstood you !
Hm,thats a bit strange to me,but youre playing with some kick ass toys.
Thats a lot of power, i would not be so free to plug in so much watts ,because it will be suspicious too much to the electricity company :)
Maybe they alert the police ,when they see so much sucking watts out the network...and they send a officer at your door to check out whats going on in that apartment.this is my opinion ,i would cut the power at half at least! Because youre coming in a country thats now cuting the bills ,because of the recesion,and all is possible when we are speaking about checking all possibll stuff,like taxes or incomes ,or whatever ...

However about the compost,youre looking for compost,now i get it.
I was thinking more about on the soil...but i do some searching over the croatian sites ,if i find something about where to buy the compost.
With so much watts ,when you grow during summer,it could be too hot there ,it's a little tricky with the stuff you have,or you don't ...
are you planing to buy that lamps or you allready have it ?
Good to know about the electricity - thanks!

Yeah, I already have the equipment you see. This is what I'm using today. So I don't want to buy new stuff... and 400W for flowering is not enough for me, since I will be flowering like 10-12 different strains. I like variety :)

I will take note of what you said about the police...I wouldn't want that ofcourse. But I guess it's normal to use a lot of electricity during the summers though, because of the A/C. I will see what I find out. Maybe I will just use 1 600W at the time.

Thanks for looking for compost..! That's really nice of you, I must say.


Prijatelj Foruma
Vutra Veteran
You can try it,but i would be to paranoic for 2x600w monsters with A/C (airconditon you mean ? ).
1x 600w would be good,you put that light around the night period because the electricty is much cheaper than during the day.Your sallary will go just on electricty...don't be affraid with this opinion,but i was fucking out of my mind when i saw the bill for 4 months growing under 400w hps.
Or if i would you,i would search a apartment at the top of the building if possible,or like a balcony or a big window for growing on much cheapier way,but slower.
Thats just me,my thinking about it all.

About the compost again,i was doing some searching,and it's a little bit tricky to find,but i do my searching constantly ,cause i was wondering where to find it for my guerilla g.

And a few words about that you said ,thats normal to use so much electricity around the summer days.
Yes it is normal,but the year has started in this country very bad ,and i suppose that the Aircodition in Croatia will affect all kinds of reducing bills ,so i would not suprised if at the daily news ,or daily newspapers just say REDUCE YOUR ELECTRICITY ,SLOW DOWN WITH A/C.
Maybe i am to pesimistic with all the status in this country ,but i would go any where else right now if i could...enough with the political problems,i hope that you will enjoy your staying up here.

I hope i was helpfull with my expirience,more members will coment this topic in the next few days,keep the checking on this topic.


Aktivan Član
What will you do with all those plants, aren't 3-4 enough for personal use

ovaj garant oce da valja, nemojte odma da me osudjujete :D
3-4..? No, not for me at least. I get bored of them quickly. I need at least 7-8 different types to choose from. I also do breeding on my own, and experiment with different strains.

This country seems a bit weed-conservative :)

Kurblaj Kan

Aktivan Član
Your being very generous by saying weed conservative. We have nazi laws and a redneck society.
I'm dramatizing a bit but its not that far from the truth.
I wish you luck, and i really advise against comercial grow if thats your plan because the consenquences could be really severe here (couple of years of prison guaranteed)
There is no way I would grow commercially. Also, as a foreigner, who would I sell to? I would have to stand in the street dealing! :icon_lol:

No, I just love weed.... In other countries the grow setup I have is completely normal. And no one would even ask if it was commercial. I was a bit surprised when you guys started hinting towards that. But I see this is a different place. I will be careful...

Thanks for the warnings!

Kurblaj Kan

Aktivan Član
I think that you shouldnt have problems if you keep a low profile.
I trully doubt that anyone would come to check you out if you have a high electrical bill, no one would care if you pay them regulary (in my opinion). As for police officers they have to have a varant to search your place and a high electrical bill is no basis fo getting one.
Yust be careful and all will be well.
I would advise that if you buy seeds on the internet that you do not order them to yourgrow adress; but i think you know all this.
As for the electrical network i guess that you could hire a electrician and just pay him to tell you all the info you need abou your apartments electricity
You can go max 7,3 Kwh - this is the max limit in Croatia in the apartment to not get busted..... I know beacuse i have been at the electric office to ask a max electricity for my pro growth.......
I will sent you my growth report as soon my mother plants get big for cloning. I have White Widow, Great White Shark, Super Silver Haze, Train Wreck and Lemon Skunk........stay happy and stoned


Aktivan Član
i think you shouldnt worrry about big electric bill as long as you pay it regullary.

thats the way AHA they like it :D


Vutra Veteran
vedderu provaljen si i ne seri više
vedder sagan ili kako već
ako ne razumiješ imaš gugl translejt

kažeš da imaš pro grow ?
budi ljubazan pa sam nestani sa foruma
ne znam da li si primijetio ali ne podržavamo komercijalu na forumu

svaki bi vas englez navuko koliko ste gladni za inostranstvom
upalite mozak
oni bi nas uvjek više iskoristili nego pomogli

edit:QanehBosm što izbrisa post ? nešto si štucnuo ?


Vutra Veteran
Hahahahaha EPIC FAIL :DDD


Haha, kakav telac. Nego pređimo na malo ozbiljnije probleme, one moje ;)

Realno, koristiti ću jednu HPS 400, 4 mala kompjuterska ventilatora (2 upuhuju, 2 ispuhuju), jedan ionizator/pročišćivač (potrošnje 6 w) i valjda je to to. Sada, potrošnja struje u kući mora ostati gotovo jednaka. Jednostavno ne smije biti gotovo nikakvog povećanja.

Razmišljam o tome da smanjim potrošnju struje tako da zamjenim sve žarulje u kući sa štednim žaruljama. Sada, treba mi par savjeta što još mogu učiniti (ugasiti, zamjeniti...) kako bi u početku srezao troškove (tj. dao prostora troškovima uzgoja) tako da mi sa početkom uzgoja potrošnja ostane gotovo identična?

I da, s obzirom na setup, kada ne bi radio ništa od gore navedenoga (dakle, ne bi uopće štedio na struji), koliko bi točno veći trošak bio (ili bar otprilike estimacija povećanja troška)?


Aktivan Član
Trosak toga svega bi bio 450W, sto ti znaci 0.45×broj sati upaljenog svjetla(18h npr)=8,1kwh

To je jednodnevna potrosnja i sad da to izrazis u kunama trebas vidjeti jel imas dvotarifno ili jednotarifno brojilo i pogledati cijene na webu HEP-a i pomnoziti tih 8.1 s cijenom jednog kwh struje i dobijes koliko je to kuna.

Za jednotarifno brojila je to 0.87kn×8,1=7,047kn po danu, a za mj dana je to 211kn, dakle puuuno love.

Drugi uredjaji..hmmm, komp dosta trosi, jos ako imas nekog malo jaceg, pa onda ako imas neke uredjaje na standbyu, njih isto mozes iskljuciti, pa ne drzati ukljucene punjace za mobitele. Ali to su sve sitne ustede, nema sanse da ces uspjeti smanjiti za toliko potrosnju. Bolje da si uzeo 250W HPS, s njim bi uz ustede koje bi napravio porast ukupne potrosnje bio manji.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.