Out 2016 3x Critical 2.0+ & 2X C99

Hempatia Soma iGrow Hemps garden
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Aktivan Član
Evo ovako, nakon četri godine cu se opet upustit u out... nadat se da ovaj put nece nista poc po zlu.
odnosno da neko smeče neće nac moje biljke i osakatit ih.
lokacija je srednja dalmacija, rupe danas popodne iskopane 50x50x50cm
sutra idem po klasmann potground h pa punim rupe... probat cu izgurat grow sa zelenom i crvenom plantelom jer mi se ne ulaže u skuplja gnjojiva za out. sve okolo je makija i krš tako da ce se djevojke dobro uklopit... nadam se heheh
malo o sortama:

Critical+ 2.0 (by Dinafem)
Critical+ 2.0 by Dinafem is a feminized, Sativa-dominant strain obtained by crossing a Critical + with a moisture resistant phenotype. The result is a strengthened version of Critical+.

Critical+ 2.0 can be cultivated by a wide range of growers in regions where cultivation tends to be difficult. It is a strong, easy-to-grow, fast-flowering, high-quality plant that delivers big, thick buds covered in resin. Due to its high yielding, which is obtained easily, this strain is really suitable for commercial purposes and for all kind of growers. Featuring the properties of a winner, it is a benchmark in the cannabis world.

Critical+ 2.0 is an outstanding slender plant with large, thin, light green leaves. It performs really well indoors, especially in SCROG cultivation. However, it is good to control its size. It grows really well outdoors, in temperate climates, and also in the comfort of a greenhouse. It is advisable to use anti-odour filters as the smell is very strong and could be a telltale sign at the end of the flowering period.

Critical+ 2.0 has intense flavour and aroma with hints of lemon, pine and spices. The effect is powerful and cerebral, providing a long-lasting, uplifting, euphoric high. It is the perfect choice for spending quality time with friends.

70% Sativa / 30% Indica
Genetics: Critical+ x Resistant Critical+ pheno
Indoor flowering period: 45-50 days
Outdoor harvest time: end of September
Indoor yield: 700 g/m2
Outdoor yield: 900-1300 g/plant
THC: 20%
CBD: 0.3%
THC/CBD ratio: 66:1

C99 (by Female Seeds)
The C’99 is the holy grail of the cannabis strains. As she resembles the high and the taste of an exceptional sweet landrace sativa, which normally takes half a year to flower. But the C99 flowers in 7 - 8 weeks. On top of that the buds are quite sugared.
This new batch is a cross of two exceptional basic pheno types, the Grapefruit and the Pineapple. Both derived from the original Brothers Grimm C99
It matures in 4 weeks from seed, which is much faster than the original C99. (6 - 8 weeks)
One not to miss!

slike uskoro, poželite mi srecu :D



Aktivan Član
probaj naci yara ferticare kristalna gnojiva, uzmes jednu malu vrecu za vegu i jednu za cvjetanje 60-70kn je vreca i bit ce dosta za cijeli grow, jos ce ti i ostati a bolje je gnojivo od plantele ;)

sretan uzgoj

hvala bas cu potražit, hvala svima na podršci <3 jer sadit se mora
zovu opet pakleno ljeto... na nosat cu se ko konj heheh al znam zašto


Aktivan Član
hvala svima, eto nadam se da ce critical dat dobro jer pušim ko turcin pa je tu radi kolicine, a u kvalitetu nesumnjam... c99 cisto radi gušta, nema još slika :) al bit ce ne bojte se
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