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Poznanik Foruma
U potpunosti se slažem glede prve dvije pa cak i treca sezona Drevnih su bile super, nadahne te i ponese u duboko razmisljanje.. U svakom onom drevnom zapisu sa slikama, rukom uradenim su naslikani uz ostalo cak i avioni i helikopteri. Da je postojalo znanje prije neznanja ima puno istine...
Misak i na rubu znanosti su mi super, Gjurinek je rijedak fizicar koji se usudio upustiti u takve teme i skidam kapu, jer mnoge proglasavaju sarlatanima ili skrenulim...iznimno vjeran opis popracen slikama je zapis ratovanja na nebu a radi se o vremenu BC....zatim prvi dokazi razaranja atomske bombe sa karakteristicnim posljedicama i simptomima kao danas sta je poznato, od boga Vishne koji se uvio u nebo i na zemlju ispustio ''plamtece koplje'' snage do tada nevidenog razaranja od kojeg je prezivilim ljudima otpadala kosa generacijama,nokti ,ostali sljepi oni koji su gledali u to, degerativne bolesti ,kozne itd itd...
Imat cu jos za pisat... volim ove teme

Poslednja izmena:

shaolin monk

Aktivan Član
Evo teme za iduću sezonu drevnih vanzemaljaca-The Kalambo structure is a Lower Palaeolithic wooden structure, of which two pieces have been uncovered along with other wooden tools. Discovered at the site of Kalambo Falls, Zambia, it is currently the oldest known wooden structure,[1] determined through luminescence dating to be at least 476,000 years old[1] and predating Homo sapiens.[1][2][3]
Weld-Blundell_Prism_with_transcription_by_Stephen_Herbert_Langdon_(1876-1937).jpg Sumerska lista kraljeva, izvor wikipedija.

Lines 1–39: before the flood[edit]​

This section, which is not present in every copy of the text, opens with the line "After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu." Two kings of Eridu are mentioned, before the city "fell" and the "kingship was taken to Bad-tibira". This pattern of cities receiving kingship and then falling or being defeated, only to be succeeded by the next, is present throughout the entire text, often in the exact same words. This first section lists eight kings who ruled over five cities (apart from Eridu and Bad-tibiru, these also included Larag, Zimbir and Shuruppak). The duration of each reign is also given. In this first section, the reigns vary between 43,200 and 28,800 years for a total of 241,200 years. The section ends with the line "Then the flood swept over". Among the kings mentioned in this section is the ancient Mesopotamian god Dumuzid (the later Tammuz).
Tko je prije homo sapiena obrađivao drvo u Zambiji :)::lulamira::?